Workshops I teach: Deep Relaxation

Name of workshop
Deep Relaxation Therapy

6 CMTBC CE credits PE/A2

Costs: $145.00 +taxes

Time: 9:30am -3:30 pm

Relaxation is the antidote to the stress response. Only when the body adopts a relaxed physiologic state can it begin to heal

What   is Deep Relaxation therapy (DRT 
DRT is a series of guided relaxation practices that brings physical awareness of the body and then teaches how to induce the body towards homeostasis through a self initiated process of relaxation to reverse the effects of the stress response.

This workshop is about taking care of yourself. 
It is designed for everyone, however it will be beneficial for healthcare practitioners who experience, general muscular aches and pains, ‘racing mind syndrome’, headaches, digestive disturbances, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, hypertension, asthma, those recovering from an illness, if you are not feeling grounded, if you feel scattered and need clarity etc.

Workshop Goals: 
Upon completion of this workshop participants will possess the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to employ methods of self guided relaxation techniques as an essential part of their self-care plan. Participants will;
·       gain insight into the theories of  stress and stressors, brain wave activities and their meaning, self-care and burnout
·       gain an appreciation for the mind-body principle of self care and will practice and experience several methods of deep relaxation
·       learn techniques to quite the mind and monitor your response to stressor situations
·       experience calm, quite and clarity

What to wear: loose fitted clothing; leave all jewelry at home

What to bring: a sense of curiosity for self-discovery and self-care; an openness to new ideas and development in the field of mind-body medicine; humility; a deep desire to improve your personal and professional commitment to self-care and self-health.  Water bottle, a small pillow for head support in supine position and a blanket or shawl for covering yourself. All egos remain at the door.

‘It is essential to understand that regular elicitation of the relaxation response results in long-term physiologic changes that counteract the harmful effects of stress throughout the day, not only when the relaxation is being brought forth. These mind-body approaches have been reported to be effective in the treatment of hypertension cardiac arrhythmias, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety and mild and moderate depression, premenstrual syndrome and infertility. (Hoffman, et al, 1982, Stuart, et al, 1987, Benson, Alexander, Feldman, 1975, Caudill, et al, 1991, Jacobs, et al, 1993; Jacobs et al, 1996, Benson, et al, 1978, Domar, Seibel, Benson, 1990, Goodale, Domar, Benson, 1990)

To register for this workshop or to organize a workshop in your area contact Randy at:

‘An anxious mind cannot exist in a relaxed body’ Dr. Edmund Jacobson